Build Direct Flooring & Home Demo Day

I am so excited to share with you guys a new project my wife and I are working on! Maybe after you hear our story, you can send us some helpful tips or we can encourage you to take on a project of your own!
A few years ago we invested in our first home. It was a solid house that had been well built but was in foreclosure, which meant a great price for us but it needed a ton of updating! We have worked on several smaller projects over that time, as well as replacing all of the windows in the house. This year we have decided to take on some of the big renovations and are excited to take you along for the process! First priorities, especially in my wife’s opinion, haha, was tearing out all of the original flooring, a mixture of 80’s style emerald green tile, carpets and a random linoleum wood in my office. Also, we wanted to paint our walls throughout the house white, install new wider baseboards, and replace the outdated light fixtures which we feel will really update the space and make it look more modern.
Before we got started with demolition, we wanted to make sure we had selected a new flooring that we felt confident would give the end result we were aiming for. We did a lot of research in this area, comparing local companies to online companies. Being our first home, we were on a pretty tight budget and wanted to make sure our dollar would go as far as it could without sacrificing on quality or style.
We discovered Build Direct while searching online and were blown away by their prices, amazing reviews and their huge selection. Honestly in comparison, no one else came close. Then we headed over to their Instagram, of course and loved everything we saw!

They also offer overnight free samples! This part was huge for us, especially since we are first timers in a project like this and wanted to look at a lot of different options before making our decision. We have two kids, so we needed to make sure something was durable and easy to clean before investing.

Time for DEMO! To keep the cost down I decided to do the demo myself. Bring out the sledge hammer! We had to remove all the different floorings and also the baseboards. Here are a few shots of the process. This was no small task.

This demo project took us several weeks to accomplish but was totally worth it! It definitely felt rewarding and like a huge accomplishment. Stay tuned for the rest of this project! We are excited to share with you the Build Direct flooring we pick and how it all turns out.
good article